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Do you need last-minute marketing copy, but your staff writer is on vacation? Does your small business website need high-quality web content, but you don't have the resources to create it? Before your brochure goes to the printer, could it use one last round of proofreading from "fresh eyes"?

Freelance Writing


Writing great content isn't just about stringing sentences together. It's understanding your company's brand voice and using it to your best advantage. It's balancing the needs of your business with the needs of your customers. It's a collaboration between you and your writer to create clear, elegant copy.


Gemini Minds was created on the basis of a single core belief—any product, service, or philosophy can be explained in simple, concise language. Large or small, I take pride in every project I write and work hard to create content that shows your business, product, or cause to its best advantage.



Scenario #1—A nationally known publication is about to go to print with an article about India which names Mahatma Ghandi (instead of Indira Ghandi) as the fourth prime minister of India.


Scenario #2—A parent/child organization creates a manual with a chapter named "Family Fun" that includes a subhead entitled "Child Abuse".


It's not enough for an editor to  correct spelling and grammar. A skillful editor should also have a broad knowlege base and enough insight to prevent embarassing mistakes like those listed in the above scenarios from ever making it to print.



Over the years, I've been fortunate to work with many talented individuals who have
a wide variety of skills. If your business
requirements go beyond writing, editing, and proofreading, Gemini Minds can provide
you with referrals for:


— Graphic Artists

— Project Managers

— HTML Programmers

— Photographers

— Computer Animators

— Fine Artists



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